Jake Flood
Your Ticket To Expert
Guided Arkansas,
Idaho & Wyoming
Fly Fishing
I was born and raised on the East Coast, where I grew up fishing the technically challenging rivers, lakes and streams of the Adirondacks, the Pine Barrens, the Pocono and Catskill Mountains, New England and all points from Maine to Florida.
My passion led me west to enroll in and graduate from The Western Rivers Guide School, run by WorldCast Anglers in Victor, Idaho. This unique course, offered by one of the most respected fly fishing outfits in the world, helped prepare me for a career as a professional fly fishing guide.
Upon completion I was first given the opportunity to work in their pro shop, then honored with the privilege of guiding for them in the summers. My relationship with WorldCast Anglers has allowed me to fish with and learn from some of the best guides, industry experts and fellow fly fishing enthusiasts in the world.
I am an Orvis Endorsed Guide, as well as part of the Pro Programs associated with Yeti, Simms, Howler Brothers, Fishpond, Sage, Umpqua and many more. This allows me to offer the best gear in the industry to my clients, helping improve their success rates.
Although I have fished some of the world's choicest fly fishing destinations, after guiding many clients and friends and putting them on fish, I realized Arkansas, Idaho & Wyoming offer an unsurpassed year-round opportunity for high success rates for Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Carp and other exciting species. They should be on everyone's "life list" of dream fly fishing adventures. Over time the rivers, lakes and streams of these areas have become my friends. I've come to know them intimately, and I'm excited to introduce them to you as well.
Fly fishing is my passion and being the best guide I can be is my goal. Whether you've been casting for decades or have never held a rod before, I am dedicated to providing you with a fun, safe and successful experience you'll always remember and cherish.
Jake Flood
Certified Western Rivers Guide
Yeti, Simms, Howler Brothers, Fishpond, Sage, Umpqua Pro